...and feel like you've tried everything!
But what if someone could walk you step-by-step to not only reduce those behaviors, but to tackle the anxiety or OCD underneath?
Scroll down below to
Connect, understand and empower the kids you love.
Move from surviving each day to thriving each day!
Learn how to get your child to open up and talk about their feelings.
Move your child from negative and rigid to positive and flexible.
Learn how to handle meltdowns in a way that doesn't leave you overwhelmed.
Teach your child lifelong skills that they need to be successful.
"I was given tools to help her cope with her feelings, and expand the times between meltdowns. Listening to Natasha I have also realized that I am not alone, and that my daughter's OCD and Anxiety are in no way my fault. I know navigating OCD will be a life long struggle for my daughter, but I truly feel that we have been shown a path through the roughest parts. I know I will continue to seek advice throughout different milestones in my childs life and feel confident Natasha will have guidance no matter what stage of development."
"This class provided me with an understanding of what my child was going through. We felt confused and lost on certain behaviors until we found this class! After taking this course we have been able to implement several ideas provided that have helped us communicate and change behaviors effectively!"
"It helped us to understand what our son is feeling, doing and the reasons for all of it! This helps us to relate to him and help him better rather than getting frustrated and angry and continuing to try methods that do the opposite of help.
It has also given us so many tools as parents as well as tools for our son who has ocd/anxiety. We have implemented so many things that we've learned and have seen more progress than we could have imagined. Just the other day we were talking about where we'd be today if we hadn't found Natasha and her classes and videos....where our son would be. Most likely lost, confused and frustrated.
Specifically, I'd say that things we've used the MOST are the concept that it is our son's battle to fight...we named ocd....we do "challenges".....we stop playing into his ocd and "making it stronger." I could go on and on but this is what comes to mind first. As a mom who deals with similar things in my own life, I've even learned about myself and am now able to stay calm and less anxious when my son is FULL of anxiety and OCD seems to be taking over! THANK YOU NATASHA!!!"
"My 9 yr old at the time was really struggling with what we know is OCD. She was incredible resistant to therapy and honestly we didn't have access to anyone who really knew much about ERP or even diagnosing it correctly. This class gave me the tools I needed to begin working with her in a way that target her OCD. It also allowed me to teach her father and grandparents how to work with her and help them understand what was going on."
"The classes taught me initially, what I was dealing with, they explained what ocd is , the classes then taught me how to best educate my child to not be scared and that she is not alone , this is a condition and she can manage it. I could then help my child to help fight back against anxiety and ocd. The classes have been a life saver for me and for my child. The knowledge that she can have a normal future has given her the strength to fight and manage it."
"I have listened to many of your podcasts and watched your Youtube videos prior to taking the online class. You seem to nail it every time. We cannot find a therapist in our area that deals with the type of problems our grandson struggles with, such as Moral OCD, hair pulling and saying a "special" word when he thinks he "made a mistake". So your podcasts, videos and classes are the only way we can help him. These have helped us to understand what OCD is and how to not feed it."
My name is Natasha Daniels and I am a Child Therapist, who specializes in Anxiety & OCD. I am also the mother to three vibrant, challenging and insightful children who keep me on my toes! I have spent the last thirteen years working with children and families in my private practice Hill Child Counseling.
I have three anxious kids, and one with OCD. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as I myself suffered from anxiety as a child.
Helping children and families work through anxiety and OCD has become my life long passion. Along with my private practice, I am the author of Anxiety Sucks! A Teen Survival Guide and How to Parent Your Anxious Toddler. I am the creator of AnxiousToddlerstoTeens.com and I am the host of the AT Parenting Survival Podcast and the creator of the Youtube Channel Ask the Child Therapist.
My work has been featured on various sites including Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, PsychCentral, Child Mind Institute and The Mighty.
Difficult behaviors will continue until you have a well structured plan and knowledge of how to handle what is under the behavior.
Enrolling in The Calm the Chaos Program will walk you step-by-step in developing a plan that will work for YOUR family. I will walk you through how to handle the anxiety and OCD that lay underneath. With these two programs you will be armed with enough support, knowledge and expertise to bring a calm to your child you didn't think was possible.
Stop telling yourself that maybe tomorrow you'll do something.
Get started today.
Do you have questions? Email Natasha Daniels at info@anxioustoddlers.com
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